Somewhere in the isle of terror, I met him. In his early twenties, he resembled maturity. I knew him, but I fail to recall who he was; the blurry visions disturbed me.
" and what pleasure do I owe to see you here again my friend? " I asked him politely.
" Perhaps, you would like not to see me ever again," he replied with his usual mockery.
"hooooooooot!" I heard the roar of a monster. From the far, I could see that It had devoured thousands of victims who travel to work every day. Yes!, you may also call it a "train". But I wanted it to be a monster. At the very moment, he attempted to meet his fate; right on the face of the monster.
I grabbed him tight and held him rooted to the ground.
" You tried to do something I would never do," I said hiding my anger.

But wait! If he had won, then there would be no one to tell this story. Sometimes in life, you need to be stubborn. Life worths more than a lost love -a pride little bet- millions of dollars or perhaps everything else. You have everything and something more while you are alive. My other part wanted to win and show me the joy of killing my self; instead, I won. Not me, but those who actually lost are long gone.
They also had a story to tell. Never read their story from your book. We all are crazy; we all are fools. But nobody should kill themselves before their time ends. Be a wind! and be a light!. To blow away the blurry terrors in their lives, and to enlighten the darkest chambers in minds. We all are warriors who at least once won.